2011 Birds of BirdNote Calendar featuring the photography of Paul Bannick Review

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2011 Birds of BirdNote Calendar featuring the photography of Paul Bannick Feature
BirdNote is a daily radio show about the amazing lives of birds. Each two-minute segment combines artful storytelling with rich bird sounds from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The stories educate listeners about where and how birds live, as well as their role in the environment. BirdNote's focus on the stories that birds can tell is reflected in the work of award-winning BirdNote photographer, Paul Bannick. A long-time naturalist and educator, Paul specializes in images of birds and other wildlife in their native habitats, going about their daily business. Spending days - or even weeks - in the field, Paul patiently observes each species and ultimately captures their most compelling moments. The 2011 Birds of BirdNote calendar is 8½ x 11" and features twelve stunning images of North American birds. Printed on FSC-certified paper, this calendar is the perfect environmentally friendly gift.Pictured birds: Acorn Woodpecker, White-tailed Ptarmigans, Peregrine Falcon, Boreal Chickadee, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Barn Owls, Western Tanager, Common Nighthawk, Burrowing Owl, Brown-capped Rosy-Finch, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Sandhill Crane, Spruce Grouse, Northern Saw-whet Owl
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